028 | Us & Kids: Helping Kids Adjust to Life Changes

Inspiration from this Episode

“Their brains are much like ours in terms of, always gathering information, always trying to figure things out.”

“They have ways to act it, but no ways to say it.”

“Anything that's different for you, they probably are picking up in some ways.”


028 | Us & Kids: Helping Kids Adjust to Life Changes



On today’s show, we're going to talk about adjusting to life changes and what happens to our kids. We all know, life changes and usually not when we want it to. And, if we have littles, then life changes for them too. And, what might be a good change for mom and dad might seem like chaos and disconnections for our little ones.  

Every little milestone that our kiddos acheive or strive for often comes with a lot of hard times in their little minds. All of the things that come simply and easily to us are huge challenges that they face constantly. It takes about 3 months for a change...

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026 | Us & Kids: Taking Time for Ourselves and Our Spouse With a New Baby

Inspiration from this Episode

“Adjustment to a newborn is a big deal for our brains and our bodies.”

“They’re not trying to make your life miserable, they’re trying to figure it out too.”

“Don’t always talk about the baby. Talk about the future. Talk about real life plans.”


026 | Us & Kids: The Infant Between Us



On today’s show, this is going to be an interesting episode especially if you are a new parent. We are going to be talking about infancy and adding an infant to our lives and family. It’s not always an easy adjustment to bring a little one home. People like to think about all the great and fun things that come with a new baby arriving.

But we also have to remember that it's hard, it's tiring, and we usually don’t know what’s going on. We usually don’t really know how to care for this new being but we sure have to figure it out quickly. It can be very easy to...

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025 | Us & Kids: How to Befriend Your Anxiety

Inspiration from this Episode

“This nervous system is wired to look out for things that appear to be dangerous.”

“It begins with being aware that you are in control of your body.”

“Make a different plan that gives yourself a minute to think about it because anxiety is trying to protect you.”


025 | Us & Kids: Befriending Your Anxiety



On today’s show, we are talking about all things anxiety! How do we get it? How do we handle it? What do we do when we freeze and can hardly think? How does anxiety affect our kiddos and what does it look like in them?

Our bodies naturally work to protect us from danger. Although the dangers our bodies recognize now are a lot different than they used to be, our nervous system still kicks in to send out that adrenaline. With all that adrenaline pumping through our bodies, we can be left with overwhelming emotions and feelings. 


What You’ll Learn in Today’s...

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024 | Us & Kids: P is for P.A.R.E.N.T. (or How to Encourage our Kids to Gain Courage)

 Inspiration from this Episode

“When we encourage, we help our kiddos gain courage.”

“It’s easy to be nice when somebody is being nice to you.”

“Encouragement also brings calmness because the encouragement says, I believe in you.”


024 | Us & Kids: P is for Parent (or How to Encourage our Kids to Gain Courage)



On today’s show, we are going to talk about what it means to be a parent. We all have different things come to mind when we think about what it’s like to be a parent. Some people think exhaustion, others might think encouraging, challenging, or funny. 

There are so many different approaches to parenting because we all have different personalities. Parenting also might look different for people because of the kiddo’s they are parenting. As we work our way into through the letters in PARENT we will find some many reminders that being a good parent is mostly about us.



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023 | Us & Kids: How to Become Bilingual in Love Languages

Inspiration from this Episode

“Don’t just say I love you, also act it.”

“Listen to feedback from your spouse on what makes them calm down and hear them.”

“Help them learn, help them through the flops.”


023 | Us & Kids: How to Become Bilingual



On today’s show, we are learning how your brain best receives love so that it can sink into your heart and being is good to know - and good for others to know. Of course - you would also then want to know what language your spouse speaks so that you can clearly and deeply communicate your deep love for them in a way that they easily understand.  

Did you know that love can have many different languages? And that you and your spouse and other family members can all speak a different language? Don’t be overwhelmed just yet - these languages are pretty easy as they share the common base to them - the base of love.  


What You’ll...

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022 | Us & Kids: Keeping the Messiness of Everyday Living From Overwhelming Our Relationships

Inspiration from this Episode

“What I do advocate is that you work a plan and work a budget.”

“We talked about where there was going to be time for us.”

“It keeps integrity between us so we can ask about each other’s day.”


022 | Us & Kids: Keeping Your Relationship Rug Clean



On today’s show, we are carrying on from last week’s episode about cleaning up under your rug. Rugs...keep our feet warm, collect crud from our shoes, make a room look pretty. How do we keep our relationship so that it is warm, doesn’t become overwhelmed with crud and even looks and feels pretty? 

Like an entryway rug, our relationship gets daily use and can easily get beat up and looking pretty ratty. But, with some attention to daily details, your relationships can stay strong, steady and even pretty. Join us for great ways to keep track of memories, stay positive and keep the crud of everyday living from...

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021 | Us & Kids: How to Clean Up What's Under the Rug in our Relationships

Inspiration from this Episode

“How do we remember? We usually don’t take pictures of the icky memories.”

“What can I add or take away that would make it okay?”

“What do you want yourself to look like over the next year?”


021 |  How to Clean Up What's Under the Rug in our Relationships



On today’s show, the question is, have you looked around your house, your garage, or your bedroom lately? Have you thought, what a mess? I sure wish someone would clean this up. Well, I'm not here to help you right now with cleaning those things up in the physical sense, but I am interested in wondering with you about what do we do when we look around our relationships.

Sometimes the holidays in December can bring to light the tensions of the past year and things that have gotten stuffed under a rug. So let's be brave and take a look back, see what things there are to clean up or straightened up. We're going to look at it...

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020 | Us & Kids: The Power of More Light to Feel Right in Darker Months

Inspiration from this Episode

“We don’t have much control when the sun shines, but we must take advantage of it when it’s there.”

“15 to 20 minutes outside can really give you a nice boost.”

“When we have that sense of camaraderie, we're not alone.”


020 | Us & Kids: Light to Feel Right



On today’s show, we're talking about something most people like to avoid talking about - depression. Depression can affect many of us for so many reasons and in so many different ways. The reason depression leaves us feeling a variety of different emotions from sluggish to sadness or even loneliness is because of the serotonin levels in our brain. Serotonin is a hormone that brings us happiness, pleasure and that upbeat feeling. 

Many of us are also affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD due to the gloomy weather, lack of sunshine or grey skies we see a lot of in the winter. Yes, weather can impact...

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019 | Us & Kids: REsolutions, not Resolutions

Inspiration from this Episode

“I can encourage them, but I don’t have control over them.”

“I had to own those emotions and make a plan.”

“Challenge what you think is truth and ask yourself internally whether or not it’s really true.”


019 | Us & Kids: Resolutions



On today’s show, even though we are 14 days into the new year, are we still thinking and talking about resolutions? So much has happened this year already that whatever I was energized for on December 31, 2019 is long, long gone!  

But, what if we think about resolutions in a different way - that doesn’t have this winner/loser message in it? What if we think about it in a way that let’s us be creative, make small changes that bring about good wins and successes?


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • Reevaluating how we think about resolutions.
  • Getting clear on what you want to change.
  • How your...
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018 | Us & Kids: Sleep, Please! Sleep.

Inspiration from this Episode

“We know your brain and your body wants you to sleep.”

“They don’t know what to do with those emotions so sometimes they just cry.”

“Your goal is to help them go to sleep efficiently or quickly.”


018 | Us & Kids: Sleep, Please! Sleep.



On today’s show, in honor of National Sleep Day, we'll take some time to remember why sleep is so important. And why getting to sleep can be so tricky—for us adults, who have practiced sleeping for many, many hours—to our littles who are not very great at it just yet. Physical and emotional connections play a significant role in turning your brain down and letting the delightful weirdness of sleep move in. Enjoy—even in your dreams!


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • The effects of caffeine and alcohol.
  • Cutting out the extra screen time.
  • Working on the quality time with our partner.
  • How to maintain a...
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