021 | Us & Kids: How to Clean Up What's Under the Rug in our Relationships

Inspiration from this Episode

“How do we remember? We usually don’t take pictures of the icky memories.”

“What can I add or take away that would make it okay?”

“What do you want yourself to look like over the next year?”


021 |  How to Clean Up What's Under the Rug in our Relationships



On today’s show, the question is, have you looked around your house, your garage, or your bedroom lately? Have you thought, what a mess? I sure wish someone would clean this up. Well, I'm not here to help you right now with cleaning those things up in the physical sense, but I am interested in wondering with you about what do we do when we look around our relationships.

Sometimes the holidays in December can bring to light the tensions of the past year and things that have gotten stuffed under a rug. So let's be brave and take a look back, see what things there are to clean up or straightened up. We're going to look at it from five different angles in terms of giving your relationship a bit of a new year checkup. 


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • Reprocessing old memories - good and bad.
  • Writing down actions and agreements.
  • Getting back to the things you know work.
  • Taking imperfect actions each day.


Resources in Today’s Episode:  


Read the Full Transcript for this episode Here


Check out previous podcasts for tips on finding grace through the mess and joy of staying married forever, while parenting together.



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