021 | Us & Kids: How to Clean Up What's Under the Rug in our Relationships

Inspiration from this Episode

“How do we remember? We usually don’t take pictures of the icky memories.”

“What can I add or take away that would make it okay?”

“What do you want yourself to look like over the next year?”


021 |  How to Clean Up What's Under the Rug in our Relationships



On today’s show, the question is, have you looked around your house, your garage, or your bedroom lately? Have you thought, what a mess? I sure wish someone would clean this up. Well, I'm not here to help you right now with cleaning those things up in the physical sense, but I am interested in wondering with you about what do we do when we look around our relationships.

Sometimes the holidays in December can bring to light the tensions of the past year and things that have gotten stuffed under a rug. So let's be brave and take a look back, see what things there are to clean up or straightened up. We're going to look at it...

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020 | Us & Kids: The Power of More Light to Feel Right in Darker Months

Inspiration from this Episode

“We don’t have much control when the sun shines, but we must take advantage of it when it’s there.”

“15 to 20 minutes outside can really give you a nice boost.”

“When we have that sense of camaraderie, we're not alone.”


020 | Us & Kids: Light to Feel Right



On today’s show, we're talking about something most people like to avoid talking about - depression. Depression can affect many of us for so many reasons and in so many different ways. The reason depression leaves us feeling a variety of different emotions from sluggish to sadness or even loneliness is because of the serotonin levels in our brain. Serotonin is a hormone that brings us happiness, pleasure and that upbeat feeling. 

Many of us are also affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD due to the gloomy weather, lack of sunshine or grey skies we see a lot of in the winter. Yes, weather can impact...

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019 | Us & Kids: REsolutions, not Resolutions

Inspiration from this Episode

“I can encourage them, but I don’t have control over them.”

“I had to own those emotions and make a plan.”

“Challenge what you think is truth and ask yourself internally whether or not it’s really true.”


019 | Us & Kids: Resolutions



On today’s show, even though we are 14 days into the new year, are we still thinking and talking about resolutions? So much has happened this year already that whatever I was energized for on December 31, 2019 is long, long gone!  

But, what if we think about resolutions in a different way - that doesn’t have this winner/loser message in it? What if we think about it in a way that let’s us be creative, make small changes that bring about good wins and successes?


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • Reevaluating how we think about resolutions.
  • Getting clear on what you want to change.
  • How your...
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017 | Us & Kids: How to Have Remarkable Courage in Difficult Years

Inspiration from this Episode

“It really helped us stay steady in the traumatic year we had.”

“We had learned to value each others input and perspective.”

“Maybe it’s ending a habit, maybe it’s starting a new one.”


017 | Us & Kids: How to Have Remarkable Courage in Difficult Years



On today’s show, we are celebrating the last day of the year as we bring in the New Year. It’s often hard not to get up in the “year in review” mode when we get to the end of the year. It can be important to look back and see where we have been and how far we’ve come. Sometimes though, we might have difficult or painful that happened to us this past year that are hard to relive. 

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • Reviewing the good and the bad.
  • Finding calmness through our partner.
  • What we can achieve if we don’t quit.
  • How to build that solid foundation.



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015 | Us & Kids: Raising our Kids is Messy, Like Building Gingerbread Houses

 Inspiration from this Episode

“These are the same skills we want when we're parenting our little ones.”

“Be creative. Ask for help.”

“Teach, model, show, practice, encourage. Be patient and persistent, with deep kindness and joy.”


015 | Us & Kids: Raising our Kids is Messy, Like Building Gingerbread Houses



On today’s show, we're talking about how raising our kids is like building gingerbread houses. There are so many fun, messy and challenging parts of building a gingerbread house around the holidays. A lot can also be said about the fun, messy and challenging times that we go through when we raise our little ones.

As our kids grow and go through different phases, there are little tidbits we can take away from how to handle situations. Sometimes we might need to be still, quiet and just support, while other times we may need to overlook the messy bits and just appreciate the fun we’ve had along the...

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014 | Us & Kids: DNA for F.U.N.

Inspiration from this Episode

“What if we wanted to evaluate our relationship DNA?”

“It takes a lot of work to even keep their own selves together.”

“We have to learn how to be still and hold our own needs.”


014 | Us & Kids: DNA for Fun



On today’s show, we are talking about how relationships can be tricky and just when we think we’ve figured them out they grow and change. So many of us want to feel that our relationships are steady, dependable and predictable. We often think of DNA as who we are genetically but what if we thought about who we are as individuals and partners in our relationships.

Is it possible to take two very unique human beings and put them together in a forever marriage? What types of things we would need to look at in yourself or your partner? So many things affect who we are as people from our childhood, traumas, spirituality, personality and so much more. Today we will look at our...

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013 | Us & Kids: Lost and Found

Inspiration from this Episode

“We don’t have control over other people.”

“You’ve decided how you’re going to act—with grace and maturity.”

“How should we help our children grieve?”


013 | Us & Kids: Lost and Found



On today’s show, we're talking about all the things we lose in our day to day lives.

When we lose things, no matter how small or insignificant, how do you react? Do you think you’re losing your mind and get mad? Do we have tendencies to sometimes blame other people when things get lost?

Many times when we lose things, it isn’t just the thought of them being lost that really bothers us. It can be what that specific item represents to us and it no longer being around that upsets or bothers us. The loss of a family member or loved one in our lives can also be a time where we lose sense of ourselves and we must learn how to reconnect. 


What You’ll...

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011 | Us & Kids: Write It to Right It


Inspiration from this Episode

“They would have missed out on this beautiful bonding space.”

“Being organized often helps us be more calm.”

“Write those words of encouragement because it builds trust.”


011 | Us & Kids: Write It to Right It



On today’s show, we are talking about why writing is so important for good mental health, family health and marriage health. Many of us get caught up in the thought of sitting down and having to write things down. Our school-aged kids also have responsibilities for writing in their day, from book reports, their agendas and other homework. 

Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, that is a time that we like to quietly reflect on all the things we are thankful for. We often feel scared of the idea of journaling or other consistent writing because we think there is only one right way to do things. What we usually don’t realize is that journaling is just a...

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010 | Us & Kids: When and How to Apologize

Inspiration from this Episode

“What do we want the end of the conversation to look like?”

“We didn’t rush into things often.”

“I'm going to continue to help my children to be calm.”


010 | Us & Kids: Apologize



On today’s show, we're discussing something that's important in any relationship—how to apologize. Sometimes things can get messy and we need to learn the right way and time to apologize to one another. When we run into difficult situations in our marriage and while parenting, there are a few things we can do to help get to a resolution. 

A lot of the time we need to evaluate what we want to get out of a conversation before we know how to approach it. When kids are brought into the mix, it can be hard to understand how to properly handle a situation while using it as a learning experience. 


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • Defining the desire for our...
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009 | Us & Kids: Make Your Bed

Inspiration from this Episode

“I am going to have one space that is neat.”

“Making your bed is a reminder to create order out of the chaotic.”

“A good goal is to make it good but not perfect.”


009 | Us & Kids: Make Your Bed



On today’s show, we are talking about how one simple and small action we can take each day can make a huge difference. That one little step many of us may love or avoid doing is making our bed. We often don’t realize the impact that making our bed first thing in the morning has on our day.

Us as parents need a space that provides us with peace and calmness among the chaos of each day. Things are never going to be perfect, especially with kids, but when we take the opportunity to create order in our lives it can positively impact our children. 


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • The theory behind making our bed and our mood.
  • Creating that space of calmness and...
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