Ep 116 I Self Control, Our Kiddos and Us

 On today’s show we will focus on our little persons - who are busy developing their own personalities and preferences…and their own powerful ways of communicating that to us.  

They certainly have a mind and opinion of their own - from the time they are tiny.  And as they grow into toddlers and start school, their mind, words and emotions pop up in so many different ways. 

What are we to do with their tears, insistence and resistance?  

How are we supposed to stay in control when they are out of control and running the show??

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • What and why their brains work as they do - and might learn a thing or two about our brains too! (Think…hot and cool)
  • What skills to use - and teach to our kiddos to help their personal control and choices develop in ways that are creative and calming. 
  • 7 ways that you can use right now to help self-control be a usual part of your everyday, crazy life...
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104 | Us & Kids: ProActive Parenting

Inspiration from this Episode 

“Though all of those pieces together made a lot more sense to me that it was sensory and not just he's a naughty kid.” 

“We had to do a little bit of advocacy work on his behalf and on our financial behalf as well.” 

“And so he was open and willing to continue to do some of these things together because he felt the benefits of it and they were fun.”


104 | Us & Kids: ProActive Parenting



On today’s show, we are going to be chatting with our special guest, Christi Gilbert. She is an awesome mom of 3, an education expert, and my oldest daughter. She and I are talking through her experience of parenting her son as she began to realize that some other expert input would be really wise. 

Hear her story and thought process as she worked to find the appropriate expert, listen to her gut, and use the guidance in ways that brought growth and health. 



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102 | Us & Kids: Raising Gritty Kids

Inspiration from this Episode 

“The kids also see that when their parents value their effort, it encourages them.” 

“Kiddos grow up respecting your authority because you've demonstrated it kindly.”

“We help our kids learn to understand that other kids have feelings that we have to pay attention to.”


102 | Us & Kids: Raising Gritty Kids



On today’s show, we're talking about how to help your kids be successful. We sort of think of it in terms of how to help your kids be gritty. How do you help them get along in life? So we're going to split this into two different thoughts. 

This is more about parenting, that it isn't necessarily about what's happening for kiddos. It's more about how to help you parent well. The first part of this podcast is about what's happening for you. And for that adult relationship between you and your spouse or your partner.


What You’ll Learn in...

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101 | Us & Kids: Naughty or Nervous

Inspiration from this Episode

“That anxiety is this reaction in the brain and where, since it's something scary and it needs to protect the body.”

“Another way that kiddos tell us that they're nervous is they just have this heightened level of emotion.”

“They want to focus. They want to be able to accomplish tasks.”


101 | Us & Kids: Naughty or Nervous



On today’s show, we are gearing up to send our kiddos back to school or preschool, or perhaps just a more structured schedule for the day in the week. And we could easily be noticing some changes in our kiddos as well - maybe even in ourselves.

Sometimes it can be hard to tell why our little ones are being a bit naughty and hard to distinguish if it is really misplaced nerves. Listen in today to see how you can help, because as you know, stress and anxiety for our kiddos can build off of our own stress and worry.


What You’ll Learn in Today’s...

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092 | Us & Kids: A’s of Angry

Inspiration from this Episode

“Are you using it to help people yourself as well as other people?” 

“Remember anger is energy, and we decide how we want to use it.” 

“Because often anger is asking for is an adjustment, in some way. And in that adjustment, we hear acceptance.”


092 | Us & Kids: A’s of Angry


On today’s show, we're going to talk about the letter A. We're going to start by talking about anger and then add other A words that both lead away from anger in a negative way or in a more sad way and lead away from anger into a more healthy or appealing way. So first, we have to start by talking about anger. 

I talk often with my clients the idea that anger is energy. It's emotional energy that really wants to have influence in some space or another and often, when it is held back can be sort of explosive. It comes out in that way because we haven't just let it come out more quickly...

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079 | Us & Kids: A+ for Application

Inspiration from this Episode

“And you’re going to say, I got to think about this a little bit. And both of you are going to take some time to get your heart rate down so that your brain can think.”

“I’m going to begin to understand that this has lots of layers for them in terms of how they think other people see them.”

“Give grace and say it’s okay and we use our adjustment coping skills to not hold a grudge or be harsh with punishment or discipline.”


079 | Us & Kids: A+ for Application



Today, I'm glad you joined us because were tying together the last three podcast about upgrading your marriage so that it will last forever, while you also become more awesome parents taking care of your kids together.

We’ve talked about the D, defining your desires, and values. Then we moved on to two other podcasts that talked about the core communication skills we need for living out those values and ways...

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066 | Us & Kids: KIDS - Defined

Inspiration from this Episode

“How we parent one child is different from another based on their personality and place in development.”

“We need a willingness to share and a willingness to be compassionate and helpful.”

“They need support and the only way to get what they need is to ask for help.”


066 | Us & Kids: KIDS - Defined



On today’s show, we’re going to talk about kids. Yes, those little monkeys that climb all over your furniture. Those little things that spill and don't seem to care or wonder why you do care so much. Sometimes it feels like we need instructions on how to manage these energetic ones.

We’re going to break this up into 4 levels and talk about each one. These will apply to each kiddo no matter how old they are—these are universal truths. Join in together so we can say, what is our next best step?


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • How kindness helps...
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065 | Us & Kids: DAD - Defined

Inspiration from this Episode

“Not just because our kiddos shift and change but also because we change.”

“What do you want to be remembered for and known for as being a dad and what do you want your kids to develop into?”

“You’re just going to speak the truth. We’re going to do it with love, without shame.”


065 | Us & Kids: DAD - Defined



On today’s show, we are going to focus on the word and the attributes of being Dad. Now even if you’re not a dad, don’t check out because you probably know a dad somewhere. And as you listen to it you can learn ways to encourage, affirm, and be delighted with the dad attributes that are all around you. 

If you are a dad, remember that being a dad is one of the most challenging jobs around and that everyday is different. Step up and do your best and some days your best looks better than other days. You are growing and changing but also your kiddos...

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061 | Us & Kids: Developing Wisdom in our Children

Inspiration from this Episode

“Who do you walk shoulders with that is a step ahead of you that has some qualities you are looking to develop?”

“We can blend emotional energy with wise behavior.”

“We pause on the blame and the shame, both to ourselves and other people.”


061 | Us & Kids: Wisdom



On today’s show, we are talking about something that each one of us at some point in our life or another thinks “That wasn’t the wisest thing I could have done.” So we are going to talk about wisdom. What are the qualities in it and how do we continue to grow it?

We will break down wisdom as an adult and how to develop wisdom in your kiddo. What aspects of wisdom do you think you have? Listen in to learn how to grow more of it yourself...and how to help instill wisdom in your kiddos too by grabbing the printable too!  


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • How to find people...
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060 | Us & Kids: Salty Emotions

Inspiration from this Episode

“What amount of emotion is appropriate for this kind of place?”

“I’m going to make it so they can ease their way back to having some calm even though they are overtired.”

“Next time I’m scared of something I want to do, I can make a plan for carrying that forward.”


060 | Us & Kids: Salty Emotions



On today’s show, we are talking about salt and emotions, and what does one have to do with the other? So let’s just think for a minute about salt. It’s been around for ever and ever, and so have emotions. It has a variety of uses, some are wonderful and some of them are rather icky - and that’s true for emotions as well.

There are a million uses for salt and some might say there are a million and one uses for emotions. And some of us would say there are a million and one emotions too yet. Salt and emotions - the perfect pair. Sprinkle these around your heart...

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