007 | Us & Kids: Positive Emotions & Thoughts

Inspiration from this Episode

“The negative emotions of worry and fear creates anxiety.”

“The broader our knowledge and skill base, the more likely we are to try new things.”

“You accept those worries with good intentions.”


007 | Us & Kids: Positive Emotions & Thoughts



On today’s show, we’re talking about PETS and how they relate to our marriage. In our day-to-day lives, there are so many things that can put us into a negative mindset. It’s hard to not let our anxiety and negative emotions creep into our relationships.

We don’t want to burden our spouses with our worries but they can often be a great way to help achieve PETS. 

When we were newly married and raising our kids, we had a variety of pets over the years. Each of our dogs had very different personalities and each one taught of new things about communication. 

What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • What we can learn from our family pets.
  • Acknowledging the pattern of negative thoughts.
  • The smalls things that could make a difference to your spouse.
  • What we can do for ourselves to achieve PETS.


Resources in Today’s Episode





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