094 | Us & Kids: 10 Tips for Playing with Kids

Inspiration from this Episode

“The most important kind of play is usually free play, especially for kiddos but for some adults as well.”

“This just shows your kiddo that you're involved. that you're there for them and it builds their confidence.”

“You will learn things about how she's playing, but she sees you as an important role.”


094 | Us & Kids: 10 Tips for Playing with Kids



On today's show, we are talking about the 10 tips for playing with your kiddos. This is not about how to have your kids play by themselves, this is 10 tips for how you can best play with your kiddos. When we play, we are so busy using so many different aspects of her brain, problem-solving, and creative and trying new things. 

Play is our brain's favorite way of learning. We don't learn separate from play, we learn while playing. Have fun with your kiddos as you listen to these 10 tips. I'm hoping that you find one or two that you like that you know you want to use this summer.


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • The most important type of play.
  • Why play needs to change regularly.
  • Using positive affirmations during play.
  • Focusing on independence but participation.


Resources in Today’s Episode: 


Read the Full Transcript for this episode Here

Check out previous podcasts for tips on finding grace through the mess and the joy of staying married forever, while parenting together.



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