084 | Us & Kids: Encourage

Inspiration from this Episode 

“And so in the long run it can hold us back from taking more courageous steps because were not sure of the end result.”

“Kids and adults can hear when we’re insincere and when we’re not interested. Use your praise and affirmation in ways that match the intensity of the effort.”

“They need different ways of being encouraged in order to grow that courage inside of them.”


084 | Us & Kids: Encourage



It takes a lot of courage to stay married forever while you parent together and it also takes a lot of encouragement to do that. The DNA method of communication often talks about this need for having courage. But also how to use encouragement to help build up the courage. We know this is worth the work, being married forever while you parent together is so very rewarding. 

So today I just wanted to talk a little bit about how do we help each other? How do we encourage each other? What does that look like and sound like?


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • Using positivity to affirm efforts.
  • How to increase motivation. 
  • Not using encouragement for bad.
  • Being genuine with encouragement.


Resources in Today’s Episode:  


Read the Full Transcript for this episode Here


Check out previous podcasts for tips on finding grace through the mess and joy of staying married forever, while parenting together.



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Not fluff, just encouraging and useful stuff.