Inspiration from this Episode
“What if there's a way that can bring in encouragement and safety and calm amidst the chaos of your home?”
“And sometimes, because we feel like we're limited in that emotional energy, we're hesitant to give it away.”
“So that you can bring some calm, maybe some gentle humor, maybe some reassurance that everything will be okay.”
040 | Us & Kids: Donut Day
On today’s show, we’re going to talk about donuts. What does National Donut Day have to do with being married forever while you parent together? National Donut Day is on June 5th or the first Friday of June every year. Interestingly enough it comes out of the Salvation Army sending donuts throughout the camp during WWI, and the troops would enjoy a taste of home that brought encouragement and emotional support and joy.
Now you’re probably wondering, what does this have to do with our joy of eating donuts in our everyday life? We’re going to look at the connections of our everyday life as spouses and parents and how they might feel like their own battlefield.
What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode
Resources in Today’s Episode:
Read the Full Transcript for this episode Here
Check out previous podcasts for tips on finding grace through the mess and joy of staying married forever, while parenting together.
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