Be married forever while parenting together!
D.N.A for Fun! Is the effective and efficient personal and relationship growth course for you, your marriage and your kids.
Define your desires, Grow Necessary Skills and Apply them well so the frustrations and failures of daily living with those you love is replaced with confidence, calm and clarity.
In D.N.A, for Fun Communications you will learn how to:
Be married forever while you parent together...and you will like it!
** One simple system for building better communication and relationships with your spouse/partner and your kids.
**Core Communication Skills: Practical, Usable and Applicable to any age and stage of relationship….meaning that they will work when talking with your spouse or with your kids.
**Stop the energy drain of frustration, chaos and distancing.
**Learn how to have family relationships that are
Unlimited in options and connections and
Naturally Good!
Keep that ugly D (divorce) word out of your house!
One of the biggest strains a married couple can have is when they also become parents.
When a little one comes into your arms and your marriage everything can feel so different.
The sharing of time, interest, energy becomes off-kilter and often quashes the connection between you two.
And, we know that keeping your marriage connections well connected is a key player in parenting well together.
But, when the tension and strife of parenthood shows up often the husband and wife hats get put on the shelf. Only the mom and dad hats are worn.
But then, when the kids are grown, rediscovering and wearing the husband and wife hat is awkward and hard!
And ugly D starts sneaking in.
In this effective course we can be sure that you can enjoy all those “hats”, all at once, or maybe even some of the time, just one at a time.
So, join me and give your personal and communication skills an upgrade so that you can really be married forever while you parent together, with joy!
This is for you if...
* You are tired of having the same conversation with your spouse over and over again.
* You are exhausted from the parenting challenges and feel too alone to even figure it out.
* You wonder how the kids got boss” status...and they are only 2 and 4 years old!
* You wonder if your spouse even knows you anymore.
* You miss bedroom snuggles and fun.
* You laugh at work and cry (or want to cry) at home.
* You are sure there has to be a more fun way to be married forever while you parent together.
Module Breakdown
This course is for you to do together, in the privacy of your home. As each of the 8 modules builds on the other, they will be released each Sunday, along with the workbooks and practice sheets. You and I (Jan) will set up a time for a weekly Zoom (or audio) call to help with your personal application of the skills.

Connections that Matter
Connecting emotionally and relationally with others can feel tricky or mysterious. Our hormones and behaviors build on each other to create relationships on all different levels. Learn how to develop those connections so that they are filled with love, strength and courage!

Managing the Emotional Me
Staying connected with those we love is often impacted by what emotions we share, and how we share them. Learn how to understand your own emotions - and how to manage them so that they are helpful and not harmful. This will help calmness and connections of trust and joy grow throughout your relationships.

Learning to Listen
Yes, there is an art to listening! It takes courage to set aside your own agenda and really hear what others are saying. Their words will matter as well as their emotions. Listening well means that there is an understanding of both the spoken words and all the unspoken messages that are included in all communications. It is an art and it is worth learning.

Speaking clearly
….or clearly, I was speaking! Being able to talk with words and with tones that are understandable can be quite a challenge. Speaking means choosing words well as well as choosing how, when and why to say them. The choice of tone, attitude and facial expression all impacts how well our intended message is received. Clearly, this too is an art that is worth learning!

Touch that Matters
Our bodies are wired for touch! We have neurons everywhere and that means that our brains are always taking in physical information. Early on in life we learned that touch might mean being rocked to sleep, or getting more yummy food, or giggled and tickled. Our bodies and brains are still looking for the physical connection that reassures us that we are alive and liked. Touch often, and with love.
Hi! I'm Jan. Thank you for stopping by!
I know that it’s hard, maybe weird to trust someone you don’t know with life places as personal as parenting and marriage.
And I appreciate your interest and trust.
You know, I’ve been professionally supporting moms, dads, husbands and wives through the parenting and married milue for about 35 years.
I understand that the first 5 year of being parents are crucial to the health of the marriage as the skills and connections (for both marriages and parenting kiddos) are best developed together.
Alongside my clients, I was also figuring out how to be well married while we grew to our family of 4 kids.
Messy, moody and often miraculous that we made it through!
My kids grew up (yours will to:) and my work with couples and parents continued. I have supported lots of marriages as they worked to blend the “hats” in a more sustainable balance; I supported parenting through the many stages and ages of kids lives - and the impact those stages have on our marriages as well.
And, now, it’s your turn.
This upgrade of your marriage relationship by improving your communication will equally improve your parenting skills.
Which will, of course, improve the atmosphere in your household which will circle back around to better connections and calm for all those you love.
You won’t get dizzy; you will get delighted with connecting with love and calm.
We will work on the growth you want together.
Valuable and actionable insights and skills for lowering overwhelm and frustration are ready for you!
This is the time and the place to upgrade so that you really are married forever while you really do parent together.
Join us at Us and Kids in the DNA for Fun Communications Course!
Sure hope to meet you soon!

DNA for Fun Communications Course Guarantee:
We offer a full refund if you do not experience some good growth after 2 modules.
Personal and relationship growth is often slippery and sticky so, for modules after that, we will talk about a good remedy if you are not satisfied.
This is a communications course, so, of course we will communicate well about your concerns, feedback and requests:)
Coming Soon! A payment plan that will work for you!
The first module of DNA for Fun! Communications Course
can start within 24 hours of your purchase.
There will be a space ready for your marriage and family early 2021!
Sign up here to be first in line!